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Mentorship Programme:

Educational Transformation with Love and Conscience


Description: The "Educational Transformation with Love and Awareness" mentorship programme is a personalised journey of professional and institutional development aimed at integrating the principles of love, well-being, and awareness into daily educational practices. Through close guidance, this programme offers strategic direction, practical tools, and ongoing support to transform educational environments into harmonious spaces for learning and growth.


Duration: 6 months


Target Audience:

  • Educational institutions (nurseries, primary schools)

  • Educators and teachers

  • Parents and other educational agents interested in a conscious and well-being-based educational approach




  • To integrate the principles of love and awareness into educational strategies and organisational culture

  • To develop skills in conscious communication and inspirational leadership among educators

  • To create and maintain educational environments that promote the emotional well-being of students and teachers

  • To implement innovative teaching practices that reflect the values of love, empathy, and awareness


Programme Structure:

  1. Initial Diagnosis: Evaluation of current educational practices and identification of improvement areas.

  2. Customised Development Plan: Creation of a strategic action plan based on the specific needs of the institution or educator.

  3. Mentorship Sessions: Regular meetings (face-to-face or virtual) for guidance, follow-up on the action plan, and necessary adjustments.

  4. Workshops and Training: Participation in specific workshops from the "Cultivating Well-Being in Education" programme and other relevant training.

  5. Continuous Evaluation: Monitoring of progress and impact assessment of implemented strategies.

  6. Community of Practice: Access to a community of professionals for exchange of experiences, mutual support, and continuous learning.



For more information and registration:

Please send an email to


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